Health Benefits and Scientific Properties of Coffee

Health Benefits and Scientific Properties of CoffeeIn today’s bustling world and everyday demands many people might not be aware of it, but coffee has been proven time and time again over recent research and scientific studies to yield health benefits. From lower risks of heart disease and diabetes, to the fighting power of antioxidants, the brew, style, and amount of your daily coffee consumption can make all the difference for your health!

A common myth is that those looking to cut back on unwanted or unnatural sugars should pursue lighter coffee brands and brews – this however is not the case! In fact, the longer (darker) a brew and grind of coffee beans is cooked, the healthier and likely larger viscosity and health benefits it has!

According to Harvard research, Dr. van Dam (Ph.D) has pointed out that dark roasts and light roasts have varying chemical compounds and acids in them that benefit the health in different ways. For example, dark roast contains what are known as melanoids, which essentially serve as anti-inflammatory properties. Melanoids are known through human consumption to aid in the management of hyper tension, and even prevent cancer.

Light roast on the other hand is known for its chlorogenic acid, which has been demonstrated in scientific studies to also have antioxidant properties, but also aid in the direct management of blood-sugar, sodium levels, and other medical benefits.

Do’s and Don’ts with your Coffee
According to research, those that consume their coffee after 3-5 hours of waking up will benefit the most from it’s energetic properties. That is, as cortisol levels (a natural high of energy) are naturally charged when you first wake up and start your day. Therefore, it’s more ideal to pursue and drink your coffee cup(s) a few hours after the cortisol levels have begun to sink, this way you give yourself a sort of ‘second wind’ of energy.

Some people make the mistake of leaving their coffee cup out for hours, forgetting about it, reheating it, etc. These habits are not only undesirable, but can also be hazardous to your health in the sense that acidic compounds continue to grow at a rapid rate when the coffee is left sitting out and being oxygenated. Such an effect can lead to severe acidic properties, acid reflux, or GERD– gastroesophageal reflux disease.

More isn’t always better. In fact, once you’ve exceeded approximately six 8-ounce cups, you’ve deprived both yourself and your beverage of any practical, remaining health benefits. This (maximum) amount totaling 400mg of caffeine is also a sure-fire way to over-stimulate your cardiovascular system, your nerves, and has been known to cause the jitters, irritability, and even withdrawal symptoms post-consumption.

Drinking this much caffeine can actually negatively impact someone whom already suffers from anxiety, and can even exacerbate the conditions or likelihood of diabetes and other health-related problems.

Remember, natural sugar is also present in caffeinated drinks – especially coffee. Because of this, it’s important to remain responsible and determine what types of health benefits – or counterintuitive effects – your coffee consumption (or binges) are having on you and your health. Adding loads of sugar or creamer into your coffee can also be bad for your health. However, just as with daily cups of coffee, amount of additives also all play a heavier role in the likely effects or side-effects of such consumption.

Don’t forget, leaving your coffee cup out can diminish its health values and properties. Likewise, aim for purchasing your own fresh coffee beans and grinding them yourself. While it will require a bit of extra work on your end, it conclusively will provide you with a much greater range of health benefits. Keep in mind the importance of fresh-storage, just as you wouldn’t leave your cup of coffee out all day, an air-tight container for your coffee grounds is invaluable to your health and experience.

Buying coffee pre-grounded increases the likelihood of a deprivation of nutritional value or ingredients and components. That is, as it’s full of unwanted and unnecessary – while unhealthy – additives, salts, sugars, and other fillers that are not good for your health. When you purchase and consume pre-made coffee or pre-packaged, you’re essentially “undoing” the good done to your body from going and cooking natural coffee for you and your body daily.

While there are a multitude of antioxidant properties in coffee, it’s worth considering reading the ingredients section of any product you intend to buy. Do the necessary math and health-considerations to ensure you’re really buying the best, most fresh coffee.

Image credit: kho