According to a latest US finding, it is better to initiate physical therapy treatment in order to escape from the unbearable lower back pain immediately. This study also reflects on the fact that though it is better to undergo this treatment early but actually it does not produce any significant result on a long term basis when compared to the conditions of the persons who never or delay to undergo this treatment. Researchers have so far studied above two hundred patients, suffering from recent attack of severe lower back pain, almost a year. From these groups they are selecting patients on a random basis for this treatment while omitting the remaining patients from this treatment. They are conducting this study for the duration of four weeks to obtain the valid result.
Although the group undergoing this treatment have reported significant physical improvement after the period of three months but the test fails to achieve any significant result while comparing the condition of the remaining group after the end of one year. According to Julie Fritz, who is a leading writer on this subject, there is no short cut route for the treatment of the lower back pain. Author also says that patients can reap the advantages of this therapy for smooth physical functions only after undergoing the painful lower back pain for long durations.
Lower Back pain is the sole reason why two to five percent of the people in America visiting the doctors everyday and it involves the massive healthcare expenditures of dollar eighty six billions. The result of this study has been published in a journal of a leading medical association of the country and it is conducted by author Fritz along with his colleagues. Latest medical guidelines prescribe to apply physical therapy treatment after assessing the conditions of the patients for a specific time frame. If this pain reduces automatically there is no necessity of this treatment. In the latest study, the researchers are curious to obtain the results of initiating this treatment early on the patients.
For this purpose the team has selected 108 persons for providing this immediate treatment when the lower back pain symptoms start while the remaining persons are kept under the supervision for general medical care. Persons selected for the treatment have to visit a specialist chiropractor as part of this study. When the result of the test is out it is found that person undergoing the treatment through chiropractor though displaying improved physical condition but the final value of difference is not so significant when compare to the persons who are undergoing normal treatment. In addition to that, the main drawback of this experiment is that it has reduced the number of persons undergoing normal treatment more than those undergoing the special treatment. As a result there is no uniformity while obtaining the result of the test. In order to obtain a complete result of the test it is essential that patients must follow the instructions of the chiropractor at their home. Only then the complete result can be available in order to escape the problem of this pain.
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