Organ Health Depend on Spinal Nerves

Organ Health Depend on Spinal NervesThe spine serves as a support for the human body, in addition, the spinal cord is in the spinal column responsible for the operation of all vital organs of the human being, which is why disorders in the spine contribute to the onset of diseases, to their chronic course and are burdened by conservative treatment.

In ancient times in the countries of the Mediterranean, China, India, special attention was paid to the problems of the spine, Hippocrates, the founder of all modern medicine, said: “If there are many diseases, then the problem is only one – the spine.”

The development of pharmacology is experiencing its peak, many drugs, dietary supplements, stimulants and other medications failed to solve the problem of effective treatment of certain diseases, and also led to a number of new diseases associated with side effects, drug intolerance.

Such diseases as chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, bronchitis and other diseases have already knocked out their niche of pharmaceutical preparations, but in their treatment they forget about parallels with disorders in the spine.

To each internal organ from the spinal cord are nerve fibers, which are responsible for their normal functioning and work. Diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, postural disorders, vertebral displacements, torticollis in childhood, and others can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from headaches to pain in the stomach or in the heart, and most importantly, if treated with traditional medicine , how many tablets, injections do not use, the result will be completely absent.

As an example, with violations at the level of C4-C5 (cervical department), the digestive tract is disrupted, the secretory function decreases, and chronic pancreatitis may develop. No matter how much you treat, while you take the drugs – it will help, as soon as you stop – the condition worsens, because the problem is not really in the pancreas, but in the spine.

In the treatment of the spine, as well as in the treatment of any disease it is crucial to address to the expert for further diagnosis and choice of treatment.

If you compare the body with the building, the spine is its supporting structures. Not for nothing in the East this organ of the musculoskeletal system is called “the pillar of life” and carefully monitor its health. What are the factors that determine the health of the spine?

Presence of a muscular corset.

In the peak periods of growth, which occur at 6-8, as well as 13-14 years, the human skeleton is intensively growing. And it’s good if the muscles keep up with him, but if the muscle corset lags behind in its development? Then the maintenance of the bones of the skeleton is not performed completely, hence the curvature of the spine smoothly growing into scoliosis. That is why it is so important to support the growing spine with the help of physical exertion, which gives swimming, dancing, gymnastics, running.

Correct distribution of gravity.

At the same time, few people think about the fact that a person is a bipedal creature, and therefore, ideally, the load should be distributed to both extremities. Loading some one side, we contribute to the displacement of the center of gravity. As a result, one limb experiences a high load, and the other smaller. At the same time, the loaded side gets tired faster, its muscles contract, and the hip segments change their natural position. If such distortions are repeated regularly, the center of gravity shifts completely and the curvature of the spine develops.

Internal health.

The organism is a unified system. Therefore, diseases of internal organs can cause pathological changes in the spine. For example, an inflamed kidney can poison the spinal cord with toxins and send pathological impulses along the nerve endings to that vertebral zone that is located in the immediate vicinity of it. In response to these actions, the body reacts with muscle spasm, that is, from the side where the diseased kidney is located, the muscles contract, shorten, deforming the spine. As a result, the back reduces, there is severe pain, a person experiences an acute attack of radiculitis. So the cause of back pain is not always related to hypothermia or weight lifting, as is commonly believed, sometimes it can be blamed for the inflammation of the genitourinary system or, say, the intestine.

Adequate physical activity.

According to experts, the main enemy of the spine is a sedentary lifestyle. Long sitting leads to overstrain of the lumbar spine, as a result of which microcirculation of blood is disturbed. As a result, the lumbar department loses the building material – vitamins, micro and macro elements, which leads to rapid aging of the spine. Especially dangerous is the so-called computer pose, when a person sits not on the ischium bones, but on the sacrum, violating the natural flexure of the lumbar spine. Thus, we artificially create internal tension, as a result of which the roots of the nerve endings are clamped and muscle spasm occurs. That’s why after 8-10 hours of staying in the computer chair many feel persistent aching pain in the lumbar region. To avoid this will help yoga, manual therapy, general back massage, and, of course, motor activity (to break away from the computer should be every hour, arranging themselves 15 minutes of workouts).

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