By Scientific classification of categories, there are multiple forms of personal-fitness.
Ranging from primary to secondary, these are classed into significance of how each contributes, conforms, developments, and maintains consistency of overall health and wellness.
For example, from a primary perspective, there are various forms and smaller variables existent within components of fitness. Some of the most important are as follows:
- Muscular Capacity- This includes endurance, strength, power, and flexibility or agility within the larger and smaller muscle groups, and their growth over time.
- Cardiorespiratory Capacity- This represents the levels in which you consume oxygen (respiration), and how your body internalizes it for application (circulations). This category also includes aerobic capacity and endurance, or in other words how long we can go on through a cardiovascular activity, and to what extent of strength without failure.
- Flexibility—The ways in which our muscles conform to physical demands, how we train our muscles and ligaments for greater flexibility, strength, stamina, and ultimately purpose. These are especially valuable variables, as they contribute to the development and sustainment of healthy fitness, exercises, and the long-term prevention of injuries. This is especially important, as it also contributes to our ultimate level and balance of psychological well being, as well as physical posture.
Let’s review a few Secondary Components of Fitness:
- Reaction- Our habits or tendencies, and how we physically or mentally respond to stimuli in a meaningful and desirable manner.
- Agility- The ways in which we utilize our muscles, bones, joints, and mind to change speed, direction, or movements quickly.
- Speed- Rate of motion, or velocity is especially significance in strength-building and discipline as it lengthens, strengthens, and leads human-beings to physically and mentally push themselves at the most desirable velocities for as long as possible for purposes such as weight loss, muscle gain, and improved fitness or stamina.
- Power-While this is also known as explosive power, it reflects the amount of concentrated force we can physically or mentally applying in various environments, per changing dynamics of stimuli, and how we develop them over time.
- Coordination- This is the power in which we use our various body parts in a coordinated motion to accomplish a physical obstacle or demand.
- Balance- While this can vary between stationary or dynamic movement, it reflects the ability in which we possess to hold one’s self a certain way for an extended period of time physically—and even mentally.
Through examining these various, unique forms and points of physical fitness, strength, and development it becomes more obvious why there are so many varying physical and mental demands to obtaining optimal fitness, health, wellness, weight loss, and peace together—or separately. While each individual’s circumstances will vary in terms of stress levels, sleep or rest consumption, and physical daily or weekly routines and demands, thus does the continuing dynamic of neurological and physiological demand increase or evolve as well. This is why it’s so important to obtain professional support and training from an educated, licensed professional, such as a professional trainer or nutritionist. As you can see, there are far more variables to a healthier you than just eating right and pushing or balancing more weight with various parts of your body’s muscles.
Image credit: maridav