Stretching exercises are associated with pain, cold sweat and painful torture in the “static”. Ultimately, the idea to sit on a twine in 2 days ends with injuries with prolonged rehab.
90% of the negative impressions of the newcomers
associated with the haste and violation of the technique of performing exercises.
What should you stretch in stretching exercises?
Ties and tendons are a connective tissue that loses elasticity with age. Their sharp stretching / compression is associated with a deterioration in strength and a high probability of fractures.
Ok do not pull …
Muscles – the stronger we pull the muscle, the more active the protective mechanism works. Myotatic reflex is a reaction of the nervous system that causes the stretched muscle to contract. Any jerk may result in injury.
Ok, do not pull … But how to be flexible and graceful?
Learn to relax a tense muscle.
Then it will stretch naturally to the extent required by a certain posture.
What helps in exercises?
Include your head and listen to your body
Are you engaged in video or online training? Your focus should be directed not to the screen, but to areas of the body where you feel the tension. Manage what’s happening – take deep breaths “through” tight muscles.
Do not hurry – linger
No jerks – find the ultimate comfortable position and stay in it for 20 seconds. You will feel how the stretch reflex (myotatic reflex) retreats together with unnecessary stress. Gradually increase the time to 40 seconds.
Avoid painful sensations
Sharp knee pain with forward inclination is a sign that the tendons are involved, and this is fraught with an injury. Remember, in any exercise or pose, feelings should be “on the verge of” comfort, but without pain.
Breathe deeper
Relaxing muscles on exhalation is easier – use physiology. Do not hold your breath. Make a smooth breath and deep “noisy” exhalation. Feel how the flow of air passes through the wave along the larynx. Relax your face and close your eyes – it helps to concentrate.
Get ready for stretching
Exercise on flexibility is best done in a warm room and on the “warmed up” body. Take a preliminary cardio warm-up, and after a workout, take a warm shower.
For better results, add Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids (oily sea fish, nuts, linseed oil, avocados) to your diet.
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