Massage is a complex of mechanical and reflex actions on tissues and human organs. He can relax, tone, excite or cure the body of various ailments. However, with an incredible benefit there is a list of contraindications. Why this happens, you will find out below.
Negative impact: causes
The main movements of various types of massage are aimed at warming up tissues, activating metabolic processes, excretion of slags. However, a number of ailments when working with the body becomes aggravated. Let us consider them in more detail.
- Intervertebral hernia. Theoretically kneading the spine sections improves the condition, relieving pain and relieving tension. However, the hernia that has arisen in the vertebral column is dangerous. After the next session in the masseur’s office, she can get hurt and paralyze a person. The patient needs rest, not blood dispersal and force.
- Exacerbation of diseases, oncology and fever also destabilize the body in combination with massage. Increased blood flow, kneading of the tumor and internal warming up of the body accelerate the inflammatory process, provoke metastases, affecting all organs with cancer cells.
- Has the impact, fall or weight lifting caused pain? X-ray the injured area. If in the picture the surgeon sees a fracture, a crack in bones or a rupture of ligaments, the damaged area is fixed firmly, and the patient is prescribed rest. Massage can break the fusion of bones and the restoration of tendons, as well as increase inflammation.
- Korean technology. In recent years, our society has been imposed the miraculous power of massage chairs, beds, rugs with tourmaline stones (jade wheels) and warming radiation, appealing to the sources of medicine of the Ancient East. We are promised the treatment of osteochondrosis, dysfunctions of internal organs, nervous system and even oncological diseases. This is an outright lie !!!
The synchronous movement of jade wheels across the trunk will increase the fragility of bones in osteoporosis and other pathologies, and heating will accelerate the growth of cancer tumors.
Even with some forms of sinusitis, it would seem that the beneficial heating of the nasal sinuses leads to disastrous consequences, without giving way to accumulating pus.
Do not exacerbate your health for your own money, tempted by free trial sessions in the salons offering massage equipment.
Skin rashes. If the skin is covered with pimples, it can not be massaged, since the sebaceous glands will produce more fat and the situation will worsen.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system also limit active work with the body (hypertension, an established pacemaker). However, with paralysis, a gentle restoring massage is prescribed, but only after examination by a cardiologist.
Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis also require rest, because stimulation of blood circulation (especially vacuum banks and rollers) increases pressure on the walls of the vessels, which triggers an exacerbation of the diseases until the fatal outcome when the clot is separated.
This is not the whole list of contraindications, so before starting the course of procedures, discuss your state of health with a massage therapist.
Let’s sum up. Massage accelerates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Salt and slag deposits are kneaded and discharged outward with a rapid flow of blood, but such a shake is prohibited in a number of diseases, as it aggravates their course.
Image credit: Carmenki