Vitamin D is the most important hormone without which our body suffers. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, frequent colds, and irritability can be the result of a deficiency in vitamin D.
Why is vitamin D so important to us? Why is it deficient? How to recognize its deficiency and saturate the body with vitamin D?
What controls vitamin D in the body?
Lack of this most important element for the body is possible even in spring and summer. Without vitamin D, many processes important for the normal development and functioning of our body would be impossible:
- Vitamin D helps the immune system fight infection, so to maintain immunity, you can not allow a lack of this vitamin in the body.
- This vitamin is very important for men because it is involved in the production of the main male sex hormone – testosterone. Sperm production and quality depend on it.
- Vitamin D helps the process of embryo development.
- This component controls the division of healthy cells in the body and inhibits the development of cancer cells.
- Without vitamin D, the normal process of calcium deposition in bone tissue is impossible, that is, the strength of teeth and bone.
- Vitamin D regulates metabolic processes: people with a predisposition to be overweight often have a deficiency of this element.
- Vitamin D helps the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and ensures the proper level of blood clotting.
Why can we lack vitamin D?
Vitamin D deficiency can occur not only due to a decrease in its intake. Various chronic diseases and disorders interfere with the absorption of this substance.
For example, diseases of the liver, kidneys, endocrine problems, especially thyroid disease, as well as the use of certain drugs can cause a lack of vitamin D.
How to understand that the body lacks vitamin D?
Vitamin D deficiency can be suspected by the following symptoms:
- the person becomes drowsy, constantly tired, irritable;
- vital energy disappears;
- a person often has a cold;
- it is impossible to conceive a child, to get pregnant – in women the quality of the egg decreases, in men the quality of sperm deteriorates;
- nails, teeth, and hair become brittle and fragile, hair begins to fall out;
- tormented by insomnia, and sleep disorders.
What to do: how to raise the level of vitamin D?
Probably to find out if you have a vitamin D deficiency, a special blood test will help. And replenish this element in organism foods and special preparations will help:
- Marine fish is rich in vitamin D, especially sea bass, eggs, and caviar;
- avocados and other foods that contain this element;
- preparations containing vitamin D3.
Importantly! Do not self-medicate, so as not to harm health: the drug and dosage should be selected strictly under the supervision of an endocrinologist!
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